Eyelash Lifting Service

Eyelash Lifting Service

June 12, 2021 77 people Latest news

Our lash technician will first clean your lashes and then separate your lower and upper lashes with a silicone protector. Once the liner is firmly attached to your eyelid, they will apply another layer of glue on top of the liner, which will then hold your lashes in place. Next, they apply a solution that effectively permeates your lashes; The solution softens the lashes so they can be molded easily. This is normally left on for eight to twelve minutes, depending on how well the hair is held: so if you have straight hair that always drops a curl, the perm will be left on for the full 12 minutes. You can also choose to dye your lashes at this point. Then a fixing solution is applied to maintain the curl and the protectors are removed. 9811526631

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